Scheduling a New Patient Appointment

  1. Fill out our contact form or call us at 318-396-5210.
  2. Wait up to two business days for a representative of Positive Outcomes, LLC to contact you and find out the patient’s age, diagnosis, and insurance information.
  3. Submit a psychological report including diagnosis from a psychiatrist, psychologist, or neurologist only. (Pediatrician reports are not accepted.) Send us a copy of the front and back of your child’s insurance card. This can be mailed or it can be faxed to 318-459-9549.
  4. Wait for insurance to authorize the request for evaluation by a BCBA.
  5. Schedule your child’s two-hour evaluation at our office.
  6. Wait for report to be completed and sent to the insurance company, which will request the hours of ABA therapy. Insurance may or may not grant the same number of hours requested.
  7. Schedule therapy hours with our office after receiving the insurance company’s response; please note that while appointment times are set, appointment durations are not.
  8. Reauthorization for treatment with your insurance company will be submitted by your BCBA every six months.

New Patient Paperwork

Patient Information

Insurance Information

We currently accept Medicaid as well as BlueCross BlueShield and Vantage. We are in the process of being credentialed for the following private insurance providers: Aetna, Cigna, United Healthcare, and TriCare.

Medicaid may cover ABA treatment for children diagnosed with autism, ADD/ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Global Developmental Disorder, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, and in utero/birth trauma (e.g. hydrocephaly), but all insurance policy benefits must be verified in order to determine exactly what diagnoses will be covered by that specific policy. Private insurance often only covers ABA treatment specifically for Autism Spectrum Disorders, though exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis. Louisiana Law Act 648 mandates coverage for ABA therapy but this applies to Louisiana-based insurance companies only. IF your insurance company is not based in Louisiana, this mandate does not apply to them. Benefits can be checked for you by Positive Outcomes. LLC.